Our Projects

School for Scholars
Several years ago we came up against a problem: young authors having certain expertise in the subject they study cannot put it in a comprehensive and interesting text form. So, editors have to either refuse promising authors to publish their articles, or rewrite them.
Project Goal
We decided to invest our effort in training young foreign policy scientists in writing appropriate texts in various genres. In 2016, editors of Russia in Global Affairs and a team of specialists from the National Research University-Higher School of Economics (NRU-HSE) launched a “School for Scholars.” Since then the School has been admitting all those wishing to develop their skills of analytical writing and receive knowledge from merited professionals in this field. Initially, the School trained students in writing texts on different subjects, but as it gained more experience it changed the format of training and now organizes courses dealing with one specific problem. For example, the 2018-2019 course was devoted to Russia’s turn to the East, while the 2019-2020 course is designed to train those students who are interested in the analysis if military-political issues. This approach ensures a more targeted high-quality training of researchers who have already decided on their profession and line of future activity. The curriculum of each course works on a “1+1” principle: one master class given by an expert in one line of training plus one practice (skill-building) class at which the students can use the received theoretical knowledge in writing texts of different genres. The major part of master classes and skill-building sessions take place at the premises of the NRU-HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Relations. More detailed information about the “School for Scholars” is available at: https://school.globalaffairs.ru/